Entrepreneurship has a strong philosophy as its basis, a clear value compass that sets a goal and determines a suitable course. Helmut Raggam, entrepreneur, investor, and supervisory board member at C&P Immobilien AG, talks about his ethical and economic “map”.

The temperature is still cool at 7:30 in the morning when we meet to talk with Helmut Raggam in Graz. There is still some time

remaining before the heat of this new summer’s day will make its presence fully known.

It is said that the early bird that catches the worm, and the successful entrepreneur and current member of the advisory board Helmut Raggam was hugely enthused by C&P during the company’s early days. It was the “drive” and the “ambition” of the people at C&P that fascinated him.

The conversation with Helmut Raggam, who calls himself “the voice of reason,” quickly gets under way. It’s about about honesty. About people. About jobs. About values Above all values.

„I think that every person deserves a good life. That's why it's so important to me and C&P that living remains affordable."

Create value. This is a statement that is heard very frequently. What are you talking about in concrete terms?

Of course, profitability is the central basis for any growth. But beyond that, for me it’s about achieving a balanced set of values. On the one hand, in the sense of real estate for C&P investors that makes sense in business terms and which is profitable. On the other, in the sense that the people in the company are also very important. Growth also creates new jobs.”

As an entrepreneur who has been monitoring the growth of C&P for years, how do you assess the current situation at C&P?

C&P has never been better positioned with respect to any potential “threats”. The diversification of the range of products and a good financial background mean C&P is on a very secure footing. It is worth noting in particular that even during the COVID-19 pandemic no state aid was requested and no employees were put onto short-time work. This is also a kind of value I’m concerned with, namely, that C&P stands behind its team!“

Where do you think that comes from?

First and foremost, the company’s strategy, which has been rigorously maintained over many years and which reads ‘no growth without consolidation, stable processes and a stable staff’. It also stems from the fact that we always keep an eye on the affordability of the living space we create. Ultimately we want to make people happy!“

That sounds idealistic and almost a little altruistic. Are you a philanthropist?

I’m just grateful because I’m allowed to live in the best country in the world thanks to the good fortune of my birth. Education, healthcare, political stability, peace, but also simple things like our tap water are not things which I take for granted. I think that every person deserves a good life. That is why it is so important to me and C&P that living remains affordable. It is also about values here too, about the development of living spaces that make people happy. The best example of this is the Puntigam Brauquartier in Graz.“

Building on this, what do you think C&P will focus on in future?

I see the resolute further development of corresponding concepts together with architects, politicians and business as a central task of C&P. These considerations are already reflected in the C&P Innovations business unit. If I look a little further into the future I think, for example, of the tokenisation of real estate. The main advantage of this technology lies in the reduction of transaction costs in the “real estate” asset class and the reduction of so-called “barriers to entry”. Thus, real estate investment is made available to a wider range of investors and also creates a liquid secondary market – trading in the token itself. This could revolutionise the real estate market!”

Strong Visions! But back to the present. The clock shows 8:00 and the allotted half hour is over. Perhaps the conversation can be summed up with the the formulation “think big, stay small”, which is to say, achieve great things but stay grounded.


Thanks for the interview!