When the temperatures get noticeably cooler, it’s time to think about your balcony plants because while some can survive the winter outdoors, others are not capable of keeping out the frost and cold. If you don’t want to go without a splash of colour on the balcony in winter, you should grow winter-hardy balcony plants. In an expert interview, Ing. Gertraud Monsberger, Managing Director of Monsberger Gartenarchitecture GmbH, gives an overview of which winter-hardy balcony plants there are and what should be considered when caring for them.

Monsberger Gartenarchitektur GmbH

Gertraud Monsberger, a garden and landscape architect, founded Monsberger Gartenarchitecture GmbH in 2001. Since then the team has been working with devotion on professional garden architecture and considered private garden design.

What exactly does “winter-hardy” mean?

Winter-hardy balcony plants can stay on the balcony all year round. Just keep in mind that you should water them once in a while. It is best to do this every three to four weeks when the soil is not frozen.

Which balcony plants can survive the winter?

There are different plants that are suitable for the balcony and which are also hardy enough for the winter.

You can use a lot of trees that also thrive in the garden as balcony plants. Of these, my absolute favourite is the serviceberry, a woody plant that impresses in spring with its flowers, in summer with its edible berries and in autumn with its colourful leaves. However, serviceberries require a little more space. Climbing plants, such as woodbine and Boston Ivy can also be found on balconies time and again. They are particularly noticeable in autumn owing to their red leaves.

Herbs in pots are suitable for small balconies. Sage, thyme and lavender remain green even in winter. In order to get a variety of colours on the balcony in the spring, bulb plants such as squill, tulips, crocuses and so on can also be grown.

All of the plants mentioned are hardy and perfect for the balcony because they can tolerate the sun and dryness well.

What should be considered regarding winter-hardy balcony plants?

In the case of winter-hardy balcony plants, you should pay attention to the seasonal aspect. The flowering period, the autumn colouring, the scent and many other things play an important role.

Do winter-hardy plants need winter protection?

The plant itself does not require winter protection. However, the roots need winter protection. If the planter is not large enough for the inside to be insulated, it is recommended that you cover the pot on the outside with a thick fleece.

What is meant by “annual plants"?

Annual plants are plants whose vegetation period only lasts one year. Typical examples include the uncultivated herbs such as poppy and cornflower. The  sunflower is also an annual plant.

But there are also many annual plants that come from other climates.

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