C&P invests a seven-figure sum in green car-sharing

C&P Immobilien AG has invested through a subsidiary in the ELOOP mobility startup. Since 2019, the Vienna-based company has been colouring the car-sharing market in a sustainably “green” way. Environmentally friendly electromobility solutions provide a deliberate counterbalance to the conventional car-sharing model. This investment will make 100 electric Tesla vehicles available to the Viennese market.

The wind blows the whole day in Vienna. This was noted by Styrian band STS all the way back in 1984. And that’s a good thing.

Without wind, Vienna’s air quality would hardly be as good as it is at present. Ground-level ozone, nitrogen oxides and particulate matter are a major burden on the air, especially in large cities – not least owing to motorised private vehicles. Internal combustion engines are just as blameworthy as the issue of the number of cars in urban areas. This is precisely where the vision of Vienna-based start-up ELOOP comes from: a revolution in individual mobility through environmentally friendly car-sharing.

Since its foundation in 2006, C&P Immobilien AG has been a pioneer of sustainable (real estate) investments and will support the concept of urban sustainability through a considerable, seven-digit investment in the car-sharing platform. In this way, C&P is setting a visionary example for an environmentally conscious future as a project and living space developer. Thanks to a 25% stake in ELOOP held by a consortium as part of a C&P subsidiary, drivers will be able to cruise through Vienna silently and emission-free in 100 Tesla Model 3s in future. But only at those times when you really need a car. Environmentally friendly transport 100% powered by eco-electricity. And that’s a good thing.