What do the ski stars Michaela Kirchgasser and Josef “Pepi” Ferstl have planned in Flachau? The two C&P partners take us on a tour through the picturesque region around Flachau. Against a fantastic backdrop, the two of them reveal why the 4**** Hotel Flachauerhof is the perfect starting point for your journey of discovery.

The Flachauerhof is located directly in the centre of Flachau and in the heart of Salzburger Land. And this location is expected to attract even more guests in future.  This is because the new owner, C&P Immobilien AG, and the new operator, Alpin Family, have major plans for this exclusive hotel.

Johannes Kirchgasser, resort manager of the Flachauerhof, gives us an insight into the unique concept of the hotel during our visit.

4-Sterne Hotel Flachauerhof in Salzburg - C&P Immobilien AG

Flachauerhof by C&P

A varied range of sports and leisure activities ensures an unforgettable holiday all year round, during which holidaymakers should also take the opportunity to relax. Allow yourself to be convinced by the unique atmosphere at the hotel and enjoy your time out in the beautiful Salzburger Land.